This year has certainly flown by for all the staff at Woodmancote Preschool. We are in the final stages of this year and the next few weeks are busy ones. Here’s a list of our upcoming events, hope you can make some of them!
Our next event is the Leaver’s Concert on Wednesday 12th July. This will start at 1200. Children who are not leaving but attend on Wednesday’s will take part. Children who are leaving us this term who do not attend on Wednesday’s are invited to come along with their parents/carer’s. Please could our “Audience” arrive at 1150am.
Tuesday 18th July is the final Forest School for our leavers. Traditionally we have invited parents along to our last session and are doing the same this year. Unless the weather is awful please come along to our Forest School area at about 1.45pm and join in the fun.
Friday 21st July is our last day this year. There will be a party for all children in the morning. Children who do not normally attend on Friday’s are invited, along with their parents. Further details will follow. Preschool will close at 1230 on this day.